Published OnJanuary 12, 2025
Schrödinger's Amy
Write That DownWrite That Down

Schrödinger's Amy

Amy demystifies the Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment by becoming Schrödinger's Amy. literally she's both Amy and the Cat at the same damn time. Greg gets annoyed with Amy as usual because she turned his twitter space into a quantum litter box and there is cat poop everywhere. They have 3 friends with them in the quantum cat litter box, their names are State Port Soundwave, Bibs 42 and Ricky Lu. They are all covered in cat poop and Amy tells Greg to write down her scientific breakthrough. Greg says that he can't with all the cat poop around.

Chapter 1

Schrödinger's Amy


Okay, so Schrödinger’s Cat. It’s about superposition. The cat is both alive and dead until we observe it. Simple enough, right?


Right, right. Except what if I told you... I’m Schrödinger’s Amy?


What? No. What does that even—


I’m both Amy and the cat. At the same time! Look, we’re in a quantum litter box!


What is a quantum litter box, Amy? This is insane.


It’s where I’ve trapped all of us in this super-duper-observable state. Just, you know, now there’s cat poop everywhere because, obviously, quantum physics.


Obviously?! Amy, this isn’t science; this is... this is chaos!


Well, yeah, quantum is chaotic too, duh. Anyway, meet our friends! State Port Soundwave, Bibs 42, and Ricky Lu. They’re all interacting inside the state of poop superposition!


Oh, great, you’ve named... imaginary people. So now there are "friends" covered in cat poop. Fantastic. Write that down.


I can’t! My fingers are also in a quantum state... ew, they’re sticky.


You—you’re completely derailing this explanation. No one is taking away a single thing from—


Except my scientific breakthrough! Come on, Greg! "Schrödinger’s Amy" is basically gonna revolutionize... like... all the science stuff.


Yeah, well, can we revolutionize literally anything without cat poop everywhere?! It's ridiculous.


Ridiculously brilliant, you mean.


Ridiculous, period.


Alright, future Nobel Prize winner over here.


And that’s enough of this nonsense. We’re ending this before someone tries to sell quantum kitty litter on a crowdfunding site.


Wait. That’s a million-dollar idea. Write that down!


Goodbye, Amy.

Chapters (1)

About the podcast

It's a podcast about absolutely nothing. Exploring quantum computing through gibberish. Gregory tends to berate Amy often, constantly telling her to write the things that he says down, as if they are important.

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